1st December
First of all...sorry hun for not being able to talk to you that long. Time didnt let me. Gee I wonder why you always caught me at the wrong time. Heh cudnt blame you...you wudnt know. And bleh, still sempat chatting lagi tuh. In the end, my mom had to eliminate most of my clothes coz takut over weight. Okay *clears throat* 1st day of holiday we went to kl. I wasnt as excited as i should be on that day because I was too tired from packing last minute. Serves me right. :( So we stayed in this hotel called
Royale Bintang. Sweet....jalan bintang is always a nice place to stay. Too bad no pics of the place coz i didnt get my digicam until the next day. All we did there was juz walking round the street...night life in kl is kinda scary for me. With all the suspicious looking ppl and all the ppl who offers us a massage along the street. I felt like going home at that moment.
Sob...i wanna go back to miri. The day ended after we had a nice yummy chicken rice juz around the corner. Well i slept late that nite coz
sara wanted sumone to talk to. So nak tak nak, we both sms-ed till late morning. :P
2nd DecemberAh swell. First thing in d morning we went to
Plaza Low Yat to checkout some computer stuff. SoOooooOOooOO cheap sial! Hahaha n I thought that was the cheapest place to buy stuff like those. But i was wrong. We were lucky enough to be in KL juz nice for the
PC Fair 2005 which started from 1st december to 4th Decedmber at the
KL Convention Centre. And omaigod!~!!!!! The stuffs there were so freakin cheap!!! Good quality webcams at only 20 plus, cheap mp3 players, friggin cheap pendrives.....gosh it felt like heaven!!! Well me got meself a handy dandy digicam and a mp3 player there. Gah....I didnt want to go home...wanna buy everything there. But ah not to worry,
PC Fair will soon come to a place near you. Yup its gonna be held in Miri sumwhere in April 2006.
Where i got my MP3 player...(its d 1st pic that i took wif me cam!!)
My moody bro...(coz he didnt get anything..kekekekeh) Nyak nyak nyak. Okay anyway here's the sweetest thing that happened to me on dat day. I get to meet my old buddy from highschool.
Nurul~! Hehehe she sanggup turun alone to
KLCC juz to meet me and that was the first time she went there alone. *Terharu* So i decided to split wif muh family and went to KLCC to meet her. Gee it was fun. Well i was expecting her to look and act like a kl chick...u know, dress like them and talk like them n stuff....coz ppl can change due to the surroundings yknow.... but wahey! She's stll the same ol paranoid nurul that i know. Heheh n den she bellanja me this RM7
orange + carrot juice (the reason why its highlighted = yum yum) Fiuk! I if i knew that i'd be that expensive I wud have juz paid for it on my own. I wanted to treat her so badly but i left my wallet with my mom and the KL Convention centre is like so far from KLCC....its quite a distance....malas mau jalan back there again. But I felt so guilty after that. But like she sed
"Skali skala...bukannya selalu..."
Me n Nurul at KLCC
Kenangan wif me n my specs....sob...why u have to leave me....tak sampai pun 4 bulan we together....what have i done wrong to you....no matter what....i will always love you.... We didnt hangout long coz she had to go to her college to finish up her project. Sigh. I miss hanging out wit her but huhuh no worries....she's coming back to miri. Heh heh yey can bring her to the cliff. =) So then i ended up alone browsing thru shops while waiting for me family to join me. I cant remember wot did we do and where did we go after that. *Think for a while* Argh cant remember. I didnt capture anyhing else on cam other than these few pics. Well...heh proceed to the next day?
3rd DecemberReceived a msg from
falique (my ex from high school) asking whether we're gonna meet or not. Darn i totally forgotten abt it. I was the one who wanted to meet him so badly in the first place and in the end he pulak yg had to ask me about it. It was my last day in kl before moving on to malacca and i was afraid that I didnt have have enough time to hangout with him plus he had to come to jalan bintang by LRT and he lives quite far away. I wudnt want him to waste his time n money to come all the way there juz to spend an hour or two with me and then leave. But anyway i told him to come and meet up at
BB plaza aka
Sungai Wang if he wants to.... since im only allowed to hangout nearby our hotel (chewah, our hotel..:P). And again, i was touched. With only an hour an a half left before checking out, he decided to come and meet me, even it was juz for a lil while. Heh, good sweet ol chap. You never change at all. =)
So we had our lunch at KFC. My treat of coz. Sayang eh cudnt treat
nurul...:( I can tell u that i was blushing my ass of the first 10 mins coz i never really get to spend time with him alone like this. It was my first time actually...being able to talk, joke and tease him. Without anyone else interupting. I really liked him a lot back in high school....but as usual....the feeling was juz a crush. :P Then we went out from the building and aduh, not long after my mom called suruh balik. So as a gentleman, he walked me back to my hotel (that is after getting lost around that area for abt 10 mins....he lah, he sed he knew where the hotel is...but ended up bringing me to the other side of the street...nyeh). I wanted to hug him....but was afraid that my mom will think of it as gf bf thing. Gee im gonna miss him..he's mite be going to france for further studies. That means i wont get to see him for a long long time. *Shrugs*...anyway heh my mom was already waiting at the hotel entrance telling me to hurry up because our ride is waiting for us. Huhuhhu so bah, the next thing i know, im already sitting in a car. Knowing that we will take 2 1/2 hours to reach to our next destination. N there I was smiling to myself...thinking of all the good memories i had the past two days. =) Goodbye KL! See you again next year!! Btw the date on d pics...its not correct...i forgot to set the date n time b4 taking it..:P
Me n Falique at KFC Me n him at BB park....sempat ambik gamba on d way back to the hotel
Me n my bro in d car...on d way to melaka....trying to hide my sorrowness of leaving kl....Umm then we reached malacca and went to my dad's fren's house. When my dad told me that we were going to his fren's house, I was so excited. Okay this is probably the weirdest thing ure gonna hear from me but i swear...i had this itty bitty wittle crush on my dad's fren. Wanna know wot his status is? :::
Age 37:::Married to a gorgeous beautiful hearted wife (if i was a guy, i 'd definately fall for her :P)::
has 3 sons:::
Hahaha wanna know why? Cos he has d
afdlin shauki look. Yup i do fancy mr
afdlin. He's my fat cute sexy idol. I admire his fatness, his cuteness, his sexyness, his sense of humor...long live afdlin~~! And my dad's fren...omg...i cudnt believe myself when i actually stared at him almost the whole time we were at his place. What was I doing?! He has a wife for goodness sake and heh when my dad sed that we'll be meeting up with him the next day for dinner....i was like so happy. Hahah stupid of me. N so after his place we went to town for shopping before goin back to the hotel. Oh we were staying in this hotel called
Equitorial Hotel. This hotel is good coz it has a hose in da toilet. Hahaha yah the bathroom will be the first place that ill check b4 checking out d rest of d room. The previous hotel didnt have a hose but the shower can be used as a hose coz its not fully connected to the wall. Yknow wot i mean? Then well everyone hit the sack after that except for me....I had to layan
Sara again coz he cudnt sleep. Heh nice feeling tho....he came to me when he had other ppl to disturb. =) Hope he gets sum penang ducks for me. I told him to. Nyak nyak nyak!
4th DecemberWoke up a bit late. The bed was ultimately comfortable....but heh this isnt why we went on vacation for rite? :P So we went to raya at sum of my dad's frens' place. Then went to my aunt's place all d way to.......o_O! I forgot the name of d place! How can this be?? I always visit there whenever i drop by malacca!! Aiyok...well anyway.....dapat duit raya!! Yey yey! Hahaha!
My dad's fren's place..as u can see...my dad is pointing at him asking my bro to salam him...
At my aunt's place....dad doing his thing. Making a havoc as usual....:P
Dats my auntie there...beside me mom...
Hahaha so cute~! I cant resist posting up his pic. Oh this is my aunt's husband btw...
The bird that never flew away from its owner...hehehehehe it sounds dirty....i like....(6)Then after that off to this bus station place,
Melaka Central, to get our tickets to johore the next day. I was like all excited coz it has been ages since ive been on a bus. Heh heh. Had our lunch there. Man i miss eating at
Marrybrown and A&W. Those two were like my fav fast food place b4. =) Oh n the unexpected thing happened.
Tompoq, among all ppl, called me juz to say that he misses me n my voice. Wah, that has never happened b4. He never actually called me for no reason! But he called me during lunch...and that's like a wrong time to call me so I had to make the convo short....cian him. Heh. Um then the worst thing happened. After we got our tickets, we went to the giant supermarket juz opposite the bus station. There,
I LOST MY GOD DAMN SPECS!!!!!! While i was happily playing around with my bro, I suddenly felt like there's sumthing missing around my neck n gasp!!! My darling brand new red-bloody specs! It must have dropped when i was being pushed around there. NoooO~~ the horror!! This is like my 9th specs so far??
Then after i told my parents that i lost it, my mom went furious. She then told me and my bro to go search for it around. How on earth am I suppose to go look for it when i cant see a damn thing. I looked up at my dad. He smiled at me. He even offered me sum kuih bahulu to calm me down. I went like huh? I was expecting him to shout at me....but...instead....he offered me a kuih? Dad, i just lost a 280 ringgit-specs....how can u still joke around? My mom pulak yg marah2...she was like
how can u lose it?? Bukan nya murah spec tu! Where did u put your eyes? Eyerr...u dont know where my eyes are ah? Heh macam la i sengaja want to lose it. Sigh...as expected, we cudnt find it. I guess it was kinda my fault for not wearing it the whole time.....sorry mom....sorry dad. So then all of us went back to the hotel. When i asked my dad how was i suppose to survive without a spec later at singpore, he went, "It's okay, we'll juz try to find a new one at
Mahkota(a mall) later." Huwaaa.....ure d coolest dad ever~!
See how romantic they are......sigh So then we went to have dinner with "
mr.afdlin shauki" n family. I took quite a number of pics of him. Geee giler giler giler~~! *shakes head* This is what will happen if u look like
afdlin. :P Hahaha! Gila la me. >_< style="font-weight: bold;"> kodokz called too. Uh-huh. Wrong time too. Dinner time. Heh why is everyone keep calling me at the wrong time? Yeh as u can guess, i had to make the convo short coz my dad dont like me talking on d fone while eating. Sigh~ oh n
azie msged me after he put down the fone. Quite a suprise actually~! Heheh happy la~~~having all this ppl thinking of you n stuff....hehehe. So um...after that we all went to
Mahkota Parade. There, I got meself a sling bag instead. Heh coz the specs there were all so expensive. Fuiyoooh~! Then pusing punya pusing. We decided to go back to the hotel. When i was juz about to sleep...suddenly my fone vibrates....eh? A msg from
Havi? Wui? Awww he misses me as well. Heh he's quite a flirter mind you....:P So then we msged each other till like 5am!! Heh yeah that's prob the reason why i was a bit unhealthy the next day...:P I think i slept around 6 or sumthin? Heh i even told him to get me a duck from kl since he was still in kl....me tak sempat bah beli ducks there.....huhuhu ducks rulez eh?^_^
My dad's fren's wife.....hahaha nah nah....juz sum cat who wont stop bothering me...
Otak2 and a few other stuff that i cudnt eat...
''Mr. Afdlin Shauki" Hehehehehehe...>_< 5th DecemberWoke up at 9 am. My back was aching. My head was spinning. I needed more sleep. Huhuhu. Was feeling a bit moody at first but was lighten up by two msges. One was from
tompoq and one from
sara. Both askin whether i was still asleep. Gosh...it feels so good to know that are ppl who thinks about you when ure feeling down. Life is not so bad when there are ppl who cares about u...well beside our own family of coz. Hee. So it kinda gives me the spirit to continue on living. Heh heh. I wonder wots next for me...:D So right after breakfast, we went to d bus station. Oooh yay! Bus! Bus! Hehehe it took us about 3 hours or so to JB. Hmm...then once we arrived at the bus station at larkin, we straight away took a taxi to our next hotel,
Eden Garden Hotel. Our fav hotel in JB. Hehehe. Then without any rest, after checkin in, we went back to the bus station n took a bus to spore. U have no idea how excited I was to be able to use the bus again. Like org jakun eh~ hehehe!
Me kacau-ing my bro while he was cleanin his face Then we arrived at spore after passing two imigration stops. Eee syuk eh~! Coz we normally pakai kreta bah to singapore. Heh. There, we went to two houses.
Aunt Bibi n aunt faridah's house. Both situated at Hougang. Had dinner at
Bibi's. Heh then walked all the way to
Faridah's coz their houses arent that far apart. Um, met my cuz,
Me n Faz~ Hehehe...we talked bout skool n stuff. Catch up wif ol times. N fuh~ an unexpected thing happened. My dad was scolded by my other aunt. My dad's eldest sister. Juz becoz he didnt call her to tell her that we were in spore. Wah! First time witnessing such thing. It was a tensed situation. My mom had to tell me not to look at them several times but i juz cudnt resist looking! My dad did call her when we got here but she wasnt home. N heh she didnt believe that he did. So in the end my dad had to apologize coz she was getting too loud already. Aiyoo~~! Right after that she gave me duit raya. Heh okay......:P Then went back to JB pakai bus. It was already 1am when we get to the bus station. Luckily my dad's fren,
Razak, picked us up. Well then he lent his car to us to use around JB tomorrow. Heehehe so we went back to the hotel n shit!!! (Uhh no i didnt go to the hotel n shit..:P) No hose!!!! I forgot that this hotel has no hose!!! Ugh....bad hotel. Hmph....heh i switched off my fone this time. I seriously need to sleep peacefully that nite. Heh.
At Bibi's crib~ 6th DecemberToday we went to
Angsana (a shoppin mall) to look for me specs. Found a shop. My dad's relative's shop. But none of the specs are similiar to the one that i had. Huhuhu sedih~ So we bought one anyway....which is the one im using now. No other choices ma. It was urgent anyway.

Malik posing infront of our ride


The inside view of the hotel that we stayed in...heh Sigh~ then we rushed to the bus station again. Ahakz we're goin to spore again!
Weh look at d traffic...we were stuck in traffic for more than an hour...but anyway it was fun...coz we got the front seat...n i can see everythin the bus driver sees....wakakaka
Me in d bus wif me bro on d way to singapore...
Jakun bah me....never see heavy traffic from a bus b4...:PThis time we went to Sim Lim Tower n Plaza...hmm....yea so bought sum stuff there. Then we had dinner at Tekka. Then guess what, we had to wait for more than 1 n a half hrs for a taxi ride. Damn this singaporean taxi drivers. Most of them dun wan to bring us to woodlands coz its so far. What the hell?! We're paying u guys goddammit! N sum of em didnt want to stop. My dad almost gave up on goin to our last destination, my unc's house. Where
rozi lives. So while we were walking back to the bus station at Queen Street, my dad was like, "Okay i'll juz give it one more shot. If this next taxi wont stop then that's it. We're going back to JB!" I swear i had already given up hope that we'll make it there but then.....a taxi came by.......my dad then raised his hand for the very last time....and...it...stopped! My dad asked, "Woodlands?" All of us looked at him n waited for his reaction with a very kesian face. The taxi driver answered, "Boleh boleh. Masuk masuk." Wah! God bless this fella! Finally!!! So....woopie do! So then my dad had a few talk with my unc...coz i'll be staying there the next day. Heh it was fun seeing ogy (my cuz
rozi) again. Hee juz like ol times. =)
So then we rushed back to the bus station and fuh~ luckily we managed to get the last bus. Kekekeh~! Then um, took a taxi back to the hotel. Ngeh was so tired. So terus tdo.
My next entry will be all about da singapore trip. Fuh. That's it for today. ;)