Monday, December 18, 2006

Trip in miri

I wont say much for this entry...juz pics of where me n my cousins went in miri. Heee.

Oh first i decided to drive to marina bay to let them see the big seahorse upclose. It was an amazing view. It was my first time actually being that close to the statue that i once viewed from far.

My first snap of the seahorse.

Their first snap. Hahahaha! So cute seing them taking pics using their fones.

Tak puas hati budak nih.

Amazing. Beautiful.

Malik walking lalalala, followed by cuzen nina lalalala.

Ijan..posing tak-brapa-maut-sangat.

Dont ask me wats that piece of cloth thing hanging there...coz i have no idea. The seahorse's janggut kali. Hahahaha!

Oh ya then we went to the crocodile farm. Coz lama tak pegi ma. Heheh had fun there.

The crocs were so lazy and motionless. Even when my cousin threw 20cents and spitted on the croc oso dia tak gerak. So lemau want.

Both of them were actually eating Hacks the candy!!! So funny of em kept putting the sweet into the water to hilangkan the kepedasan. Hahaha so cute.


My cousin harry taking pics of his nephew Andy (who has a very tiny *toot*) Hahahah!

Cant remember wat are they called. But both of them were hissing at each other. They were so loud. And they sounded like those F1 racing cars. Serious!

Your new croc-hunter!

Okay...ill update my semenanjung trip after i balik from labuan. ^_^



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